Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yay for taxes!

So I've been on a massive spending spree the past 2 days sense our taxes came in. I dont think I've EVER spent this much money at once on myself (well ok so the diapers are technically for Logan, but really he doesnt care how they look or what prints they have so they are mine too LOL).

One of my biggest single purchases is my sewing machine! I havent touched one sense high school so it's been interesting to say the least (as of right now we have a love/hate thing going on!). So far I've managed to jack up a few projects and make a few usable ones lol. The usable things are a soaker for Logan (it's a fleece diaper cover for you non cloth diaper people), about 15 double sided wipes made out of CUTE monkey flannel, and a pillow for Bekahs baby cradle lol. The cradle actually used to be mine when I was a little girl (I think I got it when I was about 6 or 7) and it still had the same fabric on it from 20ish years ago haha. Needless to say it was in dire need of being replaced. I still need to make the fabric that covers the "mattress" but that wasnt a task I was undertaking with Logan awake haha. I'm also crocheting her a blanket that matches the new pillow and "sheet".

Sadly now pretty much all my money is gone lol except what I've put aside for clothes for myself (We need to pick a shopping weekend Amy!). Thats ok though, it feels good to know that I've finally gotten to get the stuff I've been holding off on for so long!

Anyway I think I'm gonna go veg on the couch and crochet while I wait for Jesse to come home!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Round and Round we go!

Thankfully things are finally starting to look up here. Our renter FINALLY paid for the past 2 months rent, our state taxes came in, and hubby gets a pay raise for being in the Army for 8 years! YAY!

I stepped on the scale today and from when I started eating less, limiting my snacks and only allowing myself one soda a day I've dropped 9lbs already! Now once I get my butt in gear and actually start working out it will be even better haha! I plan on buying a Wii fit with some of my portion of the federal tax money, I cant wait! I think part of what makes my motivation lack is the fact that to me working out isnt FUN, especially out in the garage where we are really limited on what we can do.

There are quite a few other things I look forward to buying hehe. Like more cloth diapers. It's amazing how much taking a break from cloth did me (I took a break for about a month or so) because I was so burned out with dealing with issues (stink and wash) but now I've found the love again. Although I do wish I hadnt sold over half of my diapers in the process. Oh well, at least it made it so I was able to buy Christmas gifts for people that didnt come out of the bank account.

Doug is having issues at school again with his behavior. I really dont know what to do about it, it's not something his medication would cover...thats to help with his focus. His behavior is a whole other can of worms that I'm not sure how to deal with. I dont want to put him on more meds, but something has got to give. Dont get me wrong he HAS improved, but I think thats due more to maturity than anything else. I guess I can hope that he'll eventually just out grow it, but it's not easy talking to the princaple of the school and hearing that your 7 year old is throwing hissy fits on the level of a 2 year old.

There is a father/daughter dance at the end of the month that Bekah is soooooo excited about. I think we'll go dress shopping this weekend. This is the first year that she's been old enough to go (It's for K-5th grade).

Ok enough babbling. I need to pick up the living room while Logan is still napping so we can go do our running around when he wakes up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pink eye

So Mr. Doug has pink eye. Ugh! Couldnt get him into the doc today so we have to wait until tomorrow...which means he misses today and tomorrow for school (they have to be on antibiotics for 24hrs before they can go back to school). And that means that he'll have missed 4 days in the past 2 weeks! He NEVER misses this much school....I dont like it when they miss school grrr.

Tomorrow is going to be HECTIC in the morning. First we have to go to the tax place at 7:30 to finish our taxes (we forgot some paperwork last week and we had to wait on other things), then Doug's dr appt is at 8:45, but we have to be there at 8:30, and THEN the housing people are coming at 9 to fix the stuff they found at the last inspection. Hopefully we can manage to pull it all off.

I've also decided to start my spring cleaning. That should be interesting, and if I'm smart I'll put it off until after the housing people come lol last thing they need to see is the house all tore up because I'm "cleaning".

Going to run some errands as soon as Logan wakes up here in a few, then come back and get some serious cleaning done!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ok so...

I havent posted sense October! Eeek! I also decided that this will not only be a weight loss blog but just an every day blog. Sometimes it's nice to just blog about whats going on in my life.

I'm a mother to 3 kids, who are the light of my life. I've been married to an amazing man for 8 1/2 years. I have a small number of friends in real life, but the ones I do have are amazing and I like it that way :).

It takes me a while to open up to new people, I've been burned a lot by people in my life so I'm not so quick to let people in anymore.

I have two dogs and a cat (well 2 cats at the moment but the 2nd one is temporary) whom are like my other babies lol. I'm sure I'll blog about them too sense they take up quite a bit of my time as well :)

Umm thats pretty much it for now, I hear the baby so time to jump off of here and go get him.