So I've been on a massive spending spree the past 2 days sense our taxes came in. I dont think I've EVER spent this much money at once on myself (well ok so the diapers are technically for Logan, but really he doesnt care how they look or what prints they have so they are mine too LOL).
One of my biggest single purchases is my sewing machine! I havent touched one sense high school so it's been interesting to say the least (as of right now we have a love/hate thing going on!). So far I've managed to jack up a few projects and make a few usable ones lol. The usable things are a soaker for Logan (it's a fleece diaper cover for you non cloth diaper people), about 15 double sided wipes made out of CUTE monkey flannel, and a pillow for Bekahs baby cradle lol. The cradle actually used to be mine when I was a little girl (I think I got it when I was about 6 or 7) and it still had the same fabric on it from 20ish years ago haha. Needless to say it was in dire need of being replaced. I still need to make the fabric that covers the "mattress" but that wasnt a task I was undertaking with Logan awake haha. I'm also crocheting her a blanket that matches the new pillow and "sheet".
Sadly now pretty much all my money is gone lol except what I've put aside for clothes for myself (We need to pick a shopping weekend Amy!). Thats ok though, it feels good to know that I've finally gotten to get the stuff I've been holding off on for so long!
Anyway I think I'm gonna go veg on the couch and crochet while I wait for Jesse to come home!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago