Friday, November 27, 2009


We are still sippy cup AND smoke free here!  Woohoo!  This is day 5 for both of us lol.  Logan is doing MUCH better with laying down and going to sleep.  He still cries a little bit sometimes, but all in all he will just talk for a little bit then pass out. Yay!

I wont say that I havent wanted to smoke in the last 5 days, but it at least hasnt been bad enough to send me running to the store.  Last time I made it to the morning of day 6, before I broke down.  I dont think thats gonna happen tomorrow though sense my mom has our whole day pretty much planned out lol.  I know I want to go to the gym in the morning, then I have to run to the post office to send off a box for Jesse, then back here to help my mom clean the carpets. 

Thanksgiving was ok.  Seemed weird that we had no company and we ate ham not turkey.  Just didnt seem quite like a holiday.  My apple pie came out good though lol so I guess thats a plus.

I was one of MAYBE 20 people who showed up for kickboxing today haha.  Everyone else was being crazy and out shopping.  Not me!  I cant handle the black Friday stuff....too nuts for my tastes!  My legs were DEAD today....ugh.  I felt like I could only do half of what she was asking because they were so tired lol.  I didnt have the extra umph today like I usually do.  I'm sure having 2 days off will help though lol.  Tuesday is YFirm, but it's the interval one, which means OUCH!  I cant wait haha!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

See no biggie!

LOL I can say that isnt what I've been saying the last few days though!  Logan is still off of the sippy (yay!!!!) Last night was the best night by far.  He talked to poor Doug for about an hour haha and then cried for about 15 or 20 min, then slept ALL NIGHT!!!  I swear to you this boy has only slept through the night a hand full of times his entire life.  I'm hoping last night was just a sign that he'll be doing it more often now!  The night before was a rough one though.  He cried for at least an hour before he finally went to sleep.  Then woke up maybe 1 1/2 hrs after he finally went to sleep.  So I laid on Doug's bed again, until about 1 in the morning when I'd had enough of him wanting to lay with me, and then changing his mind and wanting to lay in his bed.  ugh!!!  So yeah I left him in his bed and came down here and went to sleep...didnt hear a peep out of him until about 6:30 or so when he got up for the day.   So yeah needless to say it's going pretty smoothly!  I came soooo close to breaking down and buying him cups while we were at walmart yesterday  but now I'm really glad I didnt!

I'm still smoke free :)  Although with this sippy cup situation I honestly thought I was going to go to the store and either buy cups or cigarettes lol.  I'm happy to say I did neither though!  Today is only day 3 though so I'm not too excited yet lol.  Although starting tomorrow my mom is home for almost a full week so I know if anyone will keep me on track it's her lol sense she quit over a year and a half ago!  I'm just tired of feeling like I "need" to smoke, and trying to remember what I liked about it so much lol.  Not a whole lot really!

Went to the gym again today...for Lori's "turkey" workout.  Holy crap!  I thought all the other kickboxing classes were hard lol this one was insane!  Two days in a row of having to do walking lunges (ouch) then you have the counting kicks or what ever it is that she calls them (another ouch) then the shuffles, and the sprints.  I decided that between today and yesterday's workouts, she just wanted us to be too tired to even think about over eating tomorrow lol.  THEN Friday she's having her "post turkey" workout.  I'm not sure I'll be able to move this weekend lol. 

Trying not to get discouraged about inches and lbs not coming off quicker.  I know it's going to take some time, but for some reason the impatience is setting in lol.  I think next week (after AF leaves!!) I'm going to do the commit to get fit thing at the gym.  It's free!  Woohoo lol and I get to get advice from a trainer lol.

Anyway sounds like Logan finally went down for his nap.  I need to go feed the older 2, dry and fix my hair, and then do some cleaning.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bekah's blanket

Finally finished Bekah's blanket!  She's thrilled of course lol here is the pattern:
SusanB's Easy Ripple Afghan
and here are the pics!
close up of the colors/stitches


So last night was a disaster with Logan!  He fell asleep at 9:30 like I said but then got up at 11 and did NOT want to go back to sleep!  I ended up sending Doug down here to sleep, and then I slept in his bed...which was a BAD idea lol because he then spent all night going from my bed to his.  Needless to say I'm exhausted today!!  But I still havent smoked!  Probably because I'm too damn tired to even think about it lol.  Hopefully tonight will go better!

Logan was so tired himself that he passed out on the floor watching TV down here around 10 lol see:
Photobuckethe slept for about 2hrs like at least one of us got a nap today lol.  I'm very glad I decided to do this this week while the older 2 are out for Turkey day...makes life a little easier.  Just keep your fingers crossed that he gets the hang of it soon!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


So I count today as a success lol.  We cut the tops off of Logans last 2 sippy cups this morning!  Which means no more laying down with milk.  See there are several bad reasons why it's bad for him to take milk to bed
  1. we were going through crazy amounts of milk...especially if he woke up multiple times a night.
  2. I'm hoping the reason he's STILL waking up 4 or 5 times a night is because of the milk
  3. when he would be half asleep he'd dribble milk out of the side of his mouth onto his pillow...thus soaking his head in the the time morning comes you have crusty spoiled milk smelling hair ...thus lots of baths.  Oh and his shirts/blankets would smell like it too.
  4. I would still have to change his diaper in the middle of the night because of the milk intake or else he and his sheets/pillow/blanket would be soaked...which means more laundry.
  5. it's just not good for them...but I fell into the habit.  You'd think I would have learned with Doug and Bekah (they took milk to bed too) but apparently not!
So anyway, we cut the tops off like I said (more for me so I wouldn't give in and give them to him) said bye bye and told him he's a big boy now, and only babies take sippies.  Nap time went pretty smoothly.  I only had to go in there once and remind him that the cups were gone and he's a big boy now.  Bed time...not quite so easy...which I'm sure in part is because he and Doug are sharing a room now.  He did some crying, a lot of talking to Doug when the poor guy was trying to fall asleep, and a little bit of fussing in the end.  Took over an hour for him to quiet down and go to sleep but he did!  yay!  Or at least I'm assuming he's asleep lol I havent heard anything in at least 10 min. 

So anyway.  Off to the gym tomorrow if everyone is healthy!  Logan had a touch of a fever this evening (99) but that could have easily been caused by the kids playing as hard as they were.  I'm hoping thats what it was anyway....I really dont want my poor boy to be sick again :(.  Logan did GREAT again in daycare on Friday, hardly cried when I dropped him off and didnt fuss at all for the workers, which means I got a full hour of kickboxing in for the first time ever lol.  Tomorrow is step, should be interesting sense I've never done it before.

Jesse's only been gone for about a week and a half...and I swear it seems like it's been 3 times that long!  Hopefully once he gets settled in and we can get a routine going with the chatting and stuff, it will go by faster.  We are lucky we got him home for a full 3 years (almost to the day actually lol) so I guess I cant complain too much.  It just doesnt feel right not having him here though.

Anyway I guess it's time for me to go to bed.  I should try to sleep while I can just in case it's a rough night with Logan.  Hopefully it's not, but one thing motherhood has taught me, dont ever count on a full nights sleep! lol

Thursday, November 19, 2009

We Must, We Must, We Must Increase our Bust!!!

LOL So I finally braved the gym again today.  Felt really guilty for not going the past week, and made up for it in spades today!  We got there maybe 5 min before class started.  Logan did his fake cry for a few seconds lol I walked him over to where the kitchen play stuff is, he started to play, I asked if I could leave now and he said yes!  That was the end of it!  They did have to come get a diaper from me sense I forgot to leave them in there haha but other than that he stayed in there the whole 1 1/2 hrs of class!  They said he whined a little bit but nothing too bad.  I never thought I'd be able to do a full YFirm class without being pulled out at least once!

Of course the class kicked my butt....a week of not going to the gym and on top of that I have a cold...which means the cardio part was harder than it normally is.  But hey I finished it and Logan let me!  yay!

He did NOT sleep well once again last night.  I really dont know what the deal with him is and the not sleeping lately.  We are going to move Doug in there with him this weekend though and hopefully that will help!  That and I need to get him off of that damn cup!

Poor kid also has a cold of sorts...but instead of coughing like me, he just has no voice!  So hopefully he'll sleep better tonight.

Didnt get to talk to Jesse at all yesterday...first time thats happened sense he left.  Kinda bummed about it but I'm sure I'll get to talk to him today or tomorrow.

Ok so this post is all over the place!  And I need to go get the kids soon so I should just end it now lol.  Gotta clean up the house while they are doing homework.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deployment Blues

They have officially set in!  Every time Jesse leaves for more than a few weeks at a time, the first week or so I get what I "fondly" call Deployment Blues.  Kinda like baby blues lol.  Not really a depression, but definitely dont wanna do a damn thing if I dont HAVE to.  Which also means that I've been slacking in the gym department.  I'm determined to go tomorrow though!  And depending on how I'm feeling this afternoon I may go after the older 2 get home from school.  Thankfully the blah feeling doesnt usually last more than a week.  I dont think it helps that the holidays are coming up as well...and thats never easy if you have a loved one over seas.

I know Jesse being gone is effecting Doug too.  He's been VERY emotional the last few days...which once again is totally normal.  He usually comes out of it in a week or two.  It's hard on both of us though until he does.  And of course living with my's hard on them as well.  Until this point they havent really been around the kids this much.  Yeah we lived with them for 6 months when Jesse got out of the Army after his first 4 years...but there were only two of them then, and they were a lot younger.  So they havent gotten to see Doug in all of his emotional glory before lol. 

I cant help but wonder sometimes if it was the right idea to move or not.  Dont get me wrong, I love my parents and the support they offer....but I know this situation isnt easy on any of us.  We have WAY crowded conditions lol (3 adults and 3 kids living in a 3bd 2 bath house), no one has privacy, it's noisy ALL the time lol.  Which granted the noise I'm used to...but they arent.   Cant help but wonder if we'll make it through this year with our relationship intact (my parents and I lol).  So far so good though.  Yeah there have been a couple bumps but nothing we cant handle.

Either way, I miss my husband.  Having him here for 3 weeks wasnt even close to enough.  It went buy so freaking fast it seemed like he was here for a couple days instead of 21. 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day Two

No I'm not going to count every single day lol I just couldnt think of a better title right now.  On that subject though, Jesse landed safely in Korea.  I got an email from him around 5ish this morning saying he had made it.  Silly us forgot to get him an international calling card so he couldnt call me when he got there, but I'll take an email any day over nothing lol.

Got back into my normal routine like I said I would.  Logan and I went to the gym this morning for Y Firm.  I showed up 15 min early like usual because normally I have to sit with him for a few min so he wont scream when I walk out of the room lol.  To my surprise he walked in there and said "bye mom!" and didnt even look back!  Little stinker.  So I thought I was golden haha no such luck!  I got called to the daycare at about 9:30....30 min into an hour and a half class.  I tried to calm him down so I could go back, but he wasnt having it so I just had to throw in the towel.  Thankfully the instructor is fantastic so she understood and doesnt mind.   I'm hoping tomorrow goes better!  Although I think tomorrow I'll shoot for getting there 5 min early lol at least if I only stay for 30 min of kickboxing thats half the class!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day One

So Jesse left for Korea this morning.  As usual the hardest part was watching him say goodbye to the kids....thats a heart breaker every time.  They did amazingly well though....they handled it worse last night when we told them that he was leaving today.  Kids are resilient little things arent they?

I'm actually doing ok....then of course that is able to change at the drop of a hat lol but so far so good.   It's always hard walking away and having to drive back home, but at least we can start counting down the days now. 

Tomorrow is back to my normal routine!  My goal is to go to them gym at least 4 times a week...5 or so would be better but we'll start at 4 lol.  I actually had someone stop me last week and tell me that I looked great and that they could see a difference in the month that I've been taking classes.  Talk about making you feel good!  Right now I go to something called YFirm on Tues and Thurs (it's a low weight, high rep class) then on Wed and Fri I go to kickboxing.  No not 'real' kickboxing lol but cardio.  Either way, it kicks my sorry butt lol and I love it.  Also helps that the instructor is freaking awesome.  I'm looking at going to Step on Monday's as well...we'll see though.

Anyway I'm tired of sitting at the computer lol cant wait to get my laptop!