Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day Two

No I'm not going to count every single day lol I just couldnt think of a better title right now.  On that subject though, Jesse landed safely in Korea.  I got an email from him around 5ish this morning saying he had made it.  Silly us forgot to get him an international calling card so he couldnt call me when he got there, but I'll take an email any day over nothing lol.

Got back into my normal routine like I said I would.  Logan and I went to the gym this morning for Y Firm.  I showed up 15 min early like usual because normally I have to sit with him for a few min so he wont scream when I walk out of the room lol.  To my surprise he walked in there and said "bye mom!" and didnt even look back!  Little stinker.  So I thought I was golden haha no such luck!  I got called to the daycare at about 9:30....30 min into an hour and a half class.  I tried to calm him down so I could go back, but he wasnt having it so I just had to throw in the towel.  Thankfully the instructor is fantastic so she understood and doesnt mind.   I'm hoping tomorrow goes better!  Although I think tomorrow I'll shoot for getting there 5 min early lol at least if I only stay for 30 min of kickboxing thats half the class!

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