Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another new day!

Ok so this may sound horrible geeky of me...but I'm TOTALLY excited to say that I have this book pre-ordered finally!  I cant wait to get it!  I didnt used to be a series girl when it came to books.....used to be hand me a romance novel that was around 300 pages and I'd finish it in a day or two.  These Outlander books....almost all of them are over 1000 pages (except the first one, which is around 850) and I've read all of them at least 3 times.  The first 4 in the series I've read at least 5 times, and the first one...I've lost track of how many times I've read it lol.  So yeah these books are definitely my guilty pleasure.  Now thanks to this series I've become stuck on other series lol.  Like Eragon, which I will admit that I havent read the 3rd book yet....because I've been too tied up in my Outlander books lol.  And of course Twilight, which I will admit I didn't WANT to get into, because of all the hype...but I did enjoy them just the same, even if they are written for a teen audience. 

Ok, enough book geekyness from me for now!  Thats what happens when I let the nerd in me shine through lol.  Today is the beginning of day 5 for me not smoking, and day 2 for Jesse!  He was a little on the grumpy side yesterday morning, but by last night he was doing MUCH better.  I've got faith in him though!  We will both finally be able to kick this horrible habit that we've had for so long!  I will admit that I've had a few times where I've really craved one, but it's easier and easier to turn away from it as each day passes.  It's like I described it to Jesse....the first few days each time you get a craving, or have a trigger, it's like being hit with a big tree branch in the back.  They come on suddenly, and those ones are hard to resist.  Now for me, it's like getting poked with a little stick's annoying as heck, but very easy to ignore.  I know in some ways it's going to be harder for him, sense he's giving up smoking AND chewing but like I said...I have faith!

Anyway, I need to go get dressed....gotta go to walmart with my mom this morning sense she doesnt like going alone lol.  Then we get to come back and clean the much fun!

1 comment:

Aims said...

Yay Jesse and Kristen, I am sooo proud of you both!!!

Have you figured out your savings now that you have both quit?!? I can't wait for my Brother to give it a try, I worry about him...he wants to quit but just can't seem to shake the cravings/mood swings.
