Sunday, September 6, 2009

Colorado State Fair!

Well it's easy to say that the kids had a BLAST at the fair yesterday.  I had forgotten how big this fair is compared to the one in Missouri....sense I had only been to this one once and it was about 10 years ago lol.  They rode on a ton of rides....well ok a handful of rides, but they rode those more than once lol.  There were some rides that they LOVED last year but were terrified of this year...dunno what the deal with that is.   We also got to get our pictures taken with a sea lion!  Yeah it cost more than it should have for a regular 4x5 pic lol but I couldnt resist.  Look how cute!
ETA: The pic shows up huge and cut off on my screen...if it does it for anyone else you can see the whole pic on the FB link I posted lol
More pictures are posted on my facebook here

Anyway, we were there from 9:30am until 6pm, so needless to say I am TIRED and sore today lol.  Logan did sooo good yesterday though!  He spent a majority of the day in the stroller and didnt complain about it at all.  That combined with no nap you'd think he would have slept well last night haha.  No such luck though!  I swear he woke up at least 6 times between 8 and midnight.

Not much going on here today I dont think.  I plan on working on Jesse's blanket some more...gotta get at least 2 full blocks of colors done per day so I can actually have it done by the time he comes here to see us before leaving.

Speaking of crochet stuff.  I'm not impressed with the shower puff I made :(  I think I need to make another one out of acrylic instead of cotton.  Cotton just sucks up too much water, and thus doesnt lather the way it should.  That combined with the fact that it takes FOREVER to dry just doesnt sit well with me lol.  So I'll try that I think today and see what happens lol.

Ok I'm done for now lol gotta go and do something productive before the urge to go lay down and go to sleep wins over.

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